One of my worst decisions ever.........drinking Pepsi at 10:30 pm. But I guess that means now I don't have an excuse not to write a blog. So here I go! My mom has been bugging me for what feels like months about it. I think I have tried about 5 times to write an update but the words just won't come. I literally feel like words can't even begin to describe my life in Thailand. For example, at this very moment I am chatting with one of my students from last month. She and I are very close and she just told me that I am her first foreigner friend....and then went on to say that I am her best friend. It's times like these that I am sure that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.
The last time I wrote I was asking you to pray because I needed direction as far as the upcoming future. Well, I could feel your prayers because since then I have had this feeling that my work here in Thailand isn't finished and that there is so much that I can do here. So, I'm planning to come back to Thailand in October for a year. It's so amazing for me to see how God has been orchestrating and moving me into this direction for almost two years now. I remember last year around this time after I hurt my knee, I was so confused about what God wanted me to do...I was supposed to go on two missions trips that summer and I couldn't. I just didn't understand why He wouldn't want me to go. But now I can see that if I wouldn't have hurt my knee, I more than likely wouldn't be here.
Tonight I was talking to my friend, Nan, and I was just telling her how exciting it is to be here and to hear about the people who are accepting Christ. She said, "It's still like this in America though." But I beg to differ. It's just different here in Thailand....I don't even know how to explain it. I think people are more open and serious about their relationship with Christ--maybe because it's harder to be a Christian here. I told her that I want to be apart of something that is real and effective for the cause of Christ.
I have an awesome praise. The past few weeks I have really been praying and looking into coming back here in October. I felt a huge peace about it, but I wasn't really sure about any details. It just so happens that one of the women that I have become extremely close to is leaving for a year to study in the Philippines and her room will be vacant for some time. She really needs someone to stay in her room because she doesn't want to lose it. It works out perfectly that I plan to come in October because I can just live in her apartment until she comes back. The only problem was that she really needed someone to stay from the months of July, August, and September. She couldn't afford to pay the rent and it wouldn't work for me to stay there unless she found someone for those months. We talked last week and I suggested that we pray about it for a week and see what happens. I just found out yesterday (4 days after we started praying), that someone will stay in the apartment until I get there. Coincidence? Ironic? I think not. Isn't that just awesome?! So now, when I come back, I will have a beautiful and amazing place to stay and at the same time I'll be helping out a friend who really needs it. It's so exciting to see the way God works.
I am so excited to see what God has planned for my future. I know that I do want to go to college, but I don't want to rush into it especially since I don't know exactly what I want to do. I would ask that you please remember me in your prayers. There are still many details that need to fall into place and I just would ask that you pray for wisdom and guidance as I leap until the unknown of this super exciting but super scary adventure. I know I will have to trust God to provide the funds and everything else I may need, but I know that He will if He wants me to be here.
Well, the Pepsi is starting to wear off...and 6am is going to come very, very, very soon. Thank you everyone and I will see you in about 4 weeks (I can't believe I'm coming back so soon!!!!). I love you all!