Friday, March 15, 2013

First Thai taxi!!
Well, today was another amazing day. But I am one very tired girl, so this blog will be pretty short. It began with going to SES (Santisuk English School) Ladprao--the main center. I was so excited about going here because this is where my mom and sister were when they were here. When we got there I was completely overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation to see the friends I have met and the people I have not yet met, but have heard so much about. It's so exciting to me that I am here...finally...I have heard so much about this amazing, wonderful, beautiful place, but to be able to actually experience it is like none other.

After being there a little while, all of the Americans that are in Thailand to teach for this month went upstairs and we had orientation/training. It was great to meet the other 9 people that are serving at SES this month. The meeting went really well and we learned a lot about the history of SES and the amount of people that have been apart of the program. There have been over 8,000 people who have taken classes since it began, and there are many people who have taken classes more than once. That's so many!!!

Peace Fellowship Church worship practice
After our training, Nan and Joy took all of us on a tour of the area surrounding SES. We walked to a different, equally huge mall as yesterday and looked around for a while. It was so fun to talk to the other volunteers and get to know them a little bit. I went to a music store in the mall and I enjoyed looking at all of the guitars and musical equipment.

When we got back to SES after our little tour, I went upstairs to the sanctuary to listen to worship practice. I love how they sing a lot of the same songs we sing in America, except in Thai. I went back downstairs to the lobby after a while and was invited to play a card game. It was really fun to get to know some of the people in the school. While I was talking to a lady, she told me that one of the guys who was playing cards with us just accepted Christ last Sunday!!! And now he comes to SES everyday to study the Bible with one of the guys working here. He keeps saying that he wants to study the Bible 5 hours a day. Isn't that so awesome?! It's so exciting for me to hear about people accepting the Lord and being on fire for Him, because often in America we don't hear stories like that. Later I talked to him and he told us that his mom was coming to the worship service tonight!! And she is not a Christian. There is nothing that makes me more pumped than hearing stories like that. The same lady also pointed out a girl named Cherry (I have no idea how to spell her name...but this is the way they say it. haha). She is from China and is studying in Thailand for two years. She comes to SES for church and cell group, but she is not a Christian. She asked me to pray for Cherry and it would be awesome if you would pray for her too!

The service tonight was amazing! Everyone at the church is so on fire for God. I was thoroughly encouraged by the evening. I am so excited that I'm going to be here for so many more Friday nights!!! Please keep us and SES in your prayers! Love you all!


1 comment:

  1. Will be praying for Cherry. May the Lord richly bless the lives you & Caitlyn touch over there.
